Spring is upon us! I'm almost positive that we just had our last snowfall for this winter. At least we hope! We are especially excited for this spring because we will be traveling across the world! Most, if not all of you know that my parents live in Tokyo and that I used to. Now that I'm married I get to bring Kjarom back with me to show him my old stompin grounds. A few places I know I want to take him are:
- Japanese Spa
- Meiji Shrine
- Sumo Wrestling
- Shibuya
- Harajuku
- Light District
- Tokyo Tower
- Tokyo Temple - for Kurtis' endowments :)
I'm still trying to think of some really great things to do. For those of my friends/family members that have gone, what was YOUR favorite thing?
First Stop: TOKYO, JAPAN
Kjarom's family is from Allentown Pennsylvania and we'll be taking a flight from Tokyo to the east coast. Ick that'll be a LONG flight.
Second Stop: Allentown, Pennsylvania
Kjarom's younger brother and sister just got their mission calls on the same day ... BOTH going to Brazil and leaving on the SAME day. So they will be in the MTC together until they go their own ways to the separate areas. I'm so excited for them because Kjarom also served in Brazil. They will all be able to speak Portuguese together when they get back in a couple years! Okay so maybe I don't really like this because I won't understand a thing of it and hey what can I say... I like to be included! :) So, we'll be then traveling to the nearest temple in Washington DC for them to take out their endowments. I've never been there so I'm really excited to go to the temple there and explore the city! Maybe we'll see the president? hmmm...
I've never been to NYC before and we had planned to go at Christmas time while we were there visiting his family, but with all the crazy snow storms, we weren't able to make it. If all the plans work out, we will take a day to head out to NYC! Anyone have suggestions of their favorite places or MUST SEE'S?
Fifth Stop: HOME.
You may be disappointed in the lights in Tokyo. The whole city is in a major power saving mode.