Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2011 ... Dreams Really Do Come True

It sure has been a while and it has become more and more clear that I am no good at blogging. Kjarom and I feel like we never have anything super interesting to post, but how about a little catch up?

It is 2011 . . . so much will happen this year and it will take us to a new step in life. I can't believe I can now say that I will be graduating from college this year. School has been super difficult and so stressful at times that I just want to pull all my hair out, but my wonderful husband said something to me on January 31st that helped me get through a super stressful week. He said, "just think hun...today is the last day you will ever be in school in January." He always knows exactly what to say to make me smile and bring my spirits up. I know I wouldn't be able to make it though these stressful days of school without him.

Kjarom is such a hard worker. He works everyday and goes to school ... he sure is a trooper! I keep telling him to give me a year and then he can start to relax a little more. I'm so grateful to have someone as determined and hard working as him.

Cheers to another year of happiness and dreams coming true.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh thats so cute! Keep going! And I will be one your patients :)
