Our summer is absolutely nuts and the fact that it is still going according to our plans (knock on wood) is fantastic. Kjarom is doing his summer legal internship here in Dallas up through the end of July. I am currently here with him and keeping him company, but the plan is NOT to deliver the baby here. Kjarom and I both head to the airport on July 3. I'm heading back to Salt Lake for the rest of the summer while Kjarom heads out that weekend for his sisters wedding. Didn't want to risk taking any longer flights and long drives being as far along as I am. Luckily Kjarom will have the chance to travel (again) the following weekend to come see me in SLC and then he will only have two more weeks in Dallas until he gets to come to SLC and stay till the baby comes. There is a lot more to this story and plans after she comes, but I'll spare you the details. Lets just say poor Kjarom will be doing a TON of traveling especially by car ... by the time this summer is over he will have spent close to 70 hours in the car for road trips. That number is going to kill him when he reads this haha.
ANYWAY ... on to the topic of my post. I feel as if I have had a VERY abnormal pregnancy. Not because I've had anything go wrong or that something isn't right with our baby, but quite the opposite. I have had absolutely NO problems (again, knock on wood).
I mean I've had ZERO:
- morning sickness
- cravings
- swelling in ankles/hands (thankfully still get to wear my ring)
- bleeding or sore gums (maybe because I'm a dental hygienist and know proper techniques?)
- heartburn
- varicose veins
- forgetfulness
I feel the same as I did when I wasn't pregnant aside from the growing belly. Kjarom and I laugh when we see people posting about pregnancy brain and cravings. Maybe it is a real thing and I'm sure this pregnancy of mine just isn't normal. But I feel like "cravings" are just a woman's way of giving them an excuse to make their husband go out to buy them the burger and fries they apparently NEED. I'm sorry if it is a real thing, but I just haven't experienced it so I can't help but laugh. I've not once felt the NEED to have something specific. Yeah, I've been hungry so I go to the kitchen and grab a snack we already have. Needless to say I am VERY grateful to not have any of these symptoms especially the nausea. I am so sorry to those that have been so sick you can't move :(
On to some photo updates since my last post.
Baby Girl at 31 Weeks
(I feel like I could just reach out and grab her! I need to kiss those chunky cheeks!)
(I feel like I could just reach out and grab her! I need to kiss those chunky cheeks!)
Baby foot at 27 Weeks
19 Weeks - am I really preggo?!
22 Weeks - Starting to pop!
27 Weeks - There she is!
30 Weeks - Definitely Pregnant!
OH and how could I forget to document on the blog this wonderful video of my family (or more so my moms) reaction to finding out we were expecting:
Like I said, I am almost 33 weeks so there will be an updated picture coming soon. :)